Easy Storage Solutions is proud to be partnered with the Storage Business Owners Alliance (SBOA) for their fall virtual conference “Bring It On 2021.” This conference brings a series of great presentations and industry knowledge to you wherever you may be on November 17th, from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET. If you have not yet registered, you can register for the event now.
We have all adjusted to the changes that 2020 has brought and the SBOA virtual conference will set the stage for taking on 2021. There are many great breakout sessions and roundtable discussions in store. Easy Storage Solutions is excited to be presenting the following:
Under-Utilized Features of Management Software
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Management Software can bring your storage facility from good to great. However, if you aren’t utilizing all the features available in the software, you are missing out on ways to improve your business. In this presentation, we will discuss some of the most commonly under-utilized features of management software and why these features are important.
Self Storage Tax Laws and Planning Strategies
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
During this round table talk, we will be discussing the pros and cons of cost segregation, and how it can be beneficial for owners in the right situation. We will also discuss entity structure and tax consequences, including:
- Choosing the best entity structure for you and its effect on your business
- The best way to set up your business now to save on taxes and have flexibility in the future to expand or change
We are excited to be able to engage with you virtually.
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About Easy Storage Solutions

Easy Storage Solutions’ self storage software offers integrated solutions to run your self storage facility. Whether you have one building or 15, our software can simplify your work. Easy to use and simple to navigate, our software has all the features you need to run your storage facility effectively and efficiently. Our software is designed for storage owners, by storage owners. We know the ins and outs of the business and design our software based on real-life needs. Easy Storage Solutions gives you the ability to manage your facility at an affordable price.
About SBOA

The SBOA is the leading national alliance of self storage owners and operators. The Storage Business Owners Alliance (SBOA) is dedicated to delivering increased profitability to its buying group, with new features daily. By leveraging the combined strength of its membership, the SBOA enables facility owners and operators of all sizes to become more competitive and more profitable.