Important of Website

You’ve purchased self storage software, you have a solid business plan, everything seems great. But have you put a lot of thought into your website recently? If you haven’t, maybe it’s time to think about it because having a good website is extremely important for businesses these days. Here are just a few reasons why we think putting some work into your website is a must.

Positive First Impression
When a consumer hears about a business, the most likely thing they will do next is search for your business online. This will inevitably lead them to your website. If your website is not attractive and appears unprofessional, it could potentially turn them off from using your services. Sure, some people might not care but the majority probably will. You only get one first impression so make it count.

It Shows You Care
If your website is unprofessional or doesn’t appear as if much thought was put into it, it may appear as if you run every facet of your business in a similar manner. If you’re website is professional and put together, it will show that you care about how your company operates and this professionalism will trickle into all areas of your business.

Media Interest
If you are looking to market your business to people in your area, turning to local media may be the first place you look. Getting a local company to advertise for you is wonderful but if you don’t have a good website to back it up, then your efforts may fall short. The writer will want to give you referrals but may be hesitant if your website isn’t taken seriously.

User Friendly
A website should not only be attractive, it should be user friendly. If a customer cannot navigate your website, they may get frustrated and ultimately give up. Having an easy-to-use and clean website is likely to increase conversions. If you are unsure of how you want your website to function, consider A/B testing to really figure out what people respond to best.

We hope these tips have convinced you that a good website is important to your business. If you have any questions about your self storage software or are looking for other business tips, Easy Storage Solutions is happy to help!