Is Your Data Secure? Finding Your Way Through the Maze of Cybersecurity

When it comes to data security, most self-storage owners believe that with basic firewall protection, their data and their tenants' data are secure. Some use third-party systems that have security protections in place when transmitting data. However, most owners believe that they will not be targeted by a cybersecurity attack. But that isn’t just self-storage owners; small-to-medium-sized businesses share the belief that they’re too small for cybercriminals to target them.

According to a study by Ponemon Institute and Keeper Security, “Fifty-eight percent of respondents believe ransomware is a serious financial threat and are concerned that negligent employees put their company at risk, but only half (50 percent) say prevention of such attacks is a priority. Many are not confident that their current anti-virus software will protect their company from ransomware.” The businesses in the study employ between 100 and 1,000 people. Most of the companies that participated in the study experienced a cyberattack or data breach with severe financial consequences losing an average of 9,350 individual records as a result of data breach.

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