Managing a Self-Storage Facility With a Call-Answering Service

If your self-storage consistently misses phone calls from prospective renters, a call-answering service could be the solution. Learn about the benefits as well as how to choose a vendor partner.

One of the biggest problems in the self-storage industry is missed phone calls. In fact, multiple studies have found that around 40 percent of phone calls to a facility are missed. These missed phone calls cost storage owners money in lost rentals and payments. Hiring a manager is a solution, but it can be an expensive one, especially for a smaller facility. Sometimes even a manager can’t keep up with phone calls.

Whether the owner is taking all the calls for his facility or has a manager, utilizing a call-answering service can help save time and be a cost-effective way to make sure all calls are answered. The system can be set up so all phone calls are routed directly to the answering service or it can be backup for the calls that aren’t answered by the storage operator.

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