Using Video Marketing to Reach New Heights in Your Self-Storage Business

Online video is quickly becoming the go-to medium for marketers in their quest to reach their target audience. Here’s why self-storage operators should consider video to increase their Web visibility and tips to help build a successful video-marketing plan.

Every self-storage owner wants to find that next tip or trick that will help his business gain an edge over the competition. That edge often comes in the form of advertising or marketing. Over the last decade or so, marketing has taken a completely different path for most businesses. Instead of phonebook listings, newspaper ads, fliers, etc., companies are now focusing energy on online marketing techniques to drive consumers to their websites. These techniques commonly include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing and blogging, just to name a few.

Another strategy that’s become effective is video marketing, in which the simple goal is to engage the viewer and create a feeling that will influence him to act, whether that’s filling out a form to learn more, renting online, sharing the video on social media, or many other positive actions beneficial to your business. Many companies now have dedicated YouTube channels to market their products, offer tutorials or answer frequently asked questions. They also share these videos across their various social media channels, which allows them to promote their business to a wider audience.

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